Container Props
Props | Type | Default Value | Description |
multiple | boolean | true | display multiple at the same time |
limit | number | - | limit the number of toast displayed at the same time |
newestOnTop | boolean | false | Display newest toast on top |
containerClassName | string | - | Add optional classes to the container |
dangerouslyHTMLString | boolean | false | render unsafe string, like html tag |
clearOnUrlChange | boolean | true | clear all toasts on url change |
icon | IconType | - | Used to display a custom icon. Set it to false to prevent |
rtl | boolean | false | Support right to left content |
containerId | Id | toast.POSITION.TOP_RIGHT | Used to identify the Container when working with multiple container. Also used to set the id attribute |
position | ToastPosition | toast.POSITION.TOP_RIGHT | One of top-right, top-center, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-center, bottom-left |
autoClose | number | boolean | 5000 | Delay in ms to close the toast. If set to false, the notification needs to be closed manually |
closeButton | VNode | boolean | default close icon | Replace the default close button or false to hide the button |
transition | ToastTransition | CSSTransitionProps | toast.TRANSITIONS.Bounce | A reference to a valid transition animation |
hideProgressBar | boolean | false | Display or not the progress bar below the toast(remaining time) |
pauseOnHover | boolean | true | Keep the timer running or not on hover |
pauseOnFocusLoss | boolean | true | Pause the timer when the window loses focus |
closeOnClick | boolean | true | Dismiss toast on click |
toastClassName | string | - | Add optional classes to the toast |
bodyClassName | string | - | Add optional classes to the toast body |
style | CSSProperties | - | Add optional inline style to the container |
progressClassName | string | - | Add optional classes to the progress bar |
progressStyle | CSSProperties | - | Add optional inline style to the progress bar |
role | string | alert | Define the ARIA role for the toasts |
theme | ToastTheme | auto | One of auto, light, dark, colored, auto means automatically detects system theme colors |
By default, all toasts will inherit container props
. Props defined on toast supersede container props
. The demo is not exhaustive, check the doc for more!
Define the Container Props
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Vue3Toastify, { type ToastContainerOptions } from 'vue3-toastify';
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
autoClose: 2000,
style: {
opacity: '1',
userSelect: 'initial',
} as ToastContainerOptions,
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Vue3Toastify, { type ToastContainerOptions } from 'vue3-toastify';
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
autoClose: 2000,
style: {
opacity: '1',
userSelect: 'initial',
} as ToastContainerOptions,
You can also use updateGlobalOptions
hook to defined the container props
autoClose: 2000,
style: {
opacity: '1',
userSelect: 'initial',
autoClose: 2000,
style: {
opacity: '1',
userSelect: 'initial',
then use it per toast
toast.success('Wow so easy!');
toast.success('Wow so easy!');